Friday, April 30, 2010

Feedback Essentials.

Hey Guys from today we will learn about feedback, why this is Important and what are the things we should keep in mind while giving and Receiving Feedback. Hope this Column will help in some or the other way to improve in profession life. This topic will continue for several days, we will discuss in detail about the Feedback.

What Is Feedback?
In business, feedback is simply the sharing of observations about job performance or work-related behaviors. For many people, however, the word feedback connotes judgment, so that neither giver nor receiver looks forward to feedback moments.
But feedback shouldn't be a judgment about another person. Instead, it is meant to be an objective message about behavior and its consequences, either to recognize a job well done or to suggest how to improve performance. If delivered successfully, feedback should encourage the recipient to move forward by learning, growing, and changing in a positive direction.

The goals of feedback
"It takes two to speak the truth – one to speak and another to hear."—Henry David Thoreau

You can give feedback in different directions: up to those to whom you report, down to those you manage, and laterally to your colleagues. And you may receive feedback from any of these directions as well. Viewed from this multidirectional perspective, feedback is an important contributor to organizational learning.
The goal of giving positive feedback is to reinforce preferred behaviors or patterns of problem solving. The goal of corrective feedback, on the other hand, is to change and improve unsatisfactory behavior or introduce more productive work patterns.

Recognize the importance of feedback
Want to fine-tune your team's performance? Start by recognizing the value of giving and receiving constructive feedback.

Key Idea
When you give constructive feedback to others, you are:
1 Reinforcing or encouraging a more effective way of working
2 Redirecting a behavior or pointing out a more productive path of action
3 Ensuring appropriate standards are set for individual and team performance
4 Helping the recipient to prepare for better performance
It is important that your feedback be framed in positive terms, as negativity will make it less effective.

When you receive constructive feedback from others, take advantage of those opportunities to:
1 Better understand the impact of your behavior and choices on others
2 Gain new perspectives on work flow
3 Show you value their opinions and trust their judgment
4 Establish measurable goals for yourself
Providing effective feedback is a skill that comes into play not only when completing the day-to-day work that must get done, but also during coaching sessions and performance assessments.

to be contd....

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